Music for Ugly Children
By: Kirstin Cronn-Mills
Pages: 262
Published: 2012
Read: April
4 out of 5
This was
a well-written book on a very sensitive topic. It was informative and entertaining,
while still being political correct. I loved how the story showed several sides
of Gabe (AKA Liz) and how his family and friends grew to understand him better.
I liked how it approached the transsexual issue realistically without too much
drama. The music aspect was an added bonus, and I definitely loved the chapter
titles. I would be interested in reading about the next chapter in Gabe’s life.
This would be a good book for friends of gender confused individuals. I did
read the author’s note and although I appreciate that she defined some
important terms, I disagreed with some of her opinions. However, everyone is
entitled to their own opinion especially on controversial topics.