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A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius
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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

First Classic: Catcher in the Rye

The Catcher in the Rye
Catcher in the Rye

By: J.D. Salinger

Genre: classic

Pages: 277

Published: 1945

Read: March

3 out of 5 stars

Holden Caulfield is a pompous, selfish, whiny jerk who has no ambition whatsoever. He is critical of everyone, but himself and likes absolutely nothing.  This book is funny at times and aggravating at other times.  I feel that Holden has ADHD before it was a diagnostic illness.  His mind jumps from topic to topic, often repetitive and annoying.  However, that is what makes the book enjoyable and I believe exactly what the novel was meant to be.  The only person he seems to care about besides himself is his sister, Phoebe, and he isn’t that nice to her.  What I don’t understand is how this novel can be considered the most influential book to anyone (see the above blog entry). I kept expecting Holden to have an epiphany, so that the readers could actually claim to have this book influence them in anyway. With that said, I did enjoy the book – for what it is – entertaining. I thought the story was catchy and funny, but Holden did not influence me at all – I don’t want to be person hater, life hater and go nowhere in my life. Do you?

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