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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A great C.O.R.E novel for schools



By: Deborah Wiles

Genre: J historical fiction

Pages: 400

Published: 2010

Read: January

2 out of 5

Although very well written, I felt the story was a little boring and would not hold the interest of the intended age group. I did enjoy the historical aspect of the story and think it would be great for the kids to read. However, I think the graphic materials of newscast, newspaper articles, etc. interrupted the story and flow. It may have been better to include at end as an appendix or additional material. I would recommend this novel as part of a school C.O.R.E. lesson since it includes important historical facts, but has the fictional story told by a peer which will hold their interest more than a nonfiction book.

Wiles has plans to make this a trilogy; you can watch for it at www.deborahwiles.com

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