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Monday, December 29, 2014

Midwest YA novel

The Blind Faith Hotel

The Blind Faith Hotel

By: Pamela Todd

Genre:  YA fiction

Pages: 320

Published: 2008

Read: December

3 out of 5

I read this book hoping it would be a good YA campaign novel to Shotgun Lovesongs by Nickolas Butler for One Book One Community.   Although the story does take place in the Midwest and Zoe does community service at a forest preserve, I don’t feel the premise was good. More importantly, this story won’t entertain boys at all. The story itself was OK and teen girls may enjoy it. I just didn’t get what I wanted out of it. However, my biggest issue was that Zoe confesses to shoplifting and still receives the same punishment she would have if she was caught rather then turn herself in. What does this message send to the kids? Don’t bother confessing, the punishment is the same.

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