Can’t We Talk about Something More Pleasant?
By: Roz Chast
Genre: Adult graphic novel
Pages: 228
Published: 2014
Read: November
3 out of 5
This graphic
novel was overwhelmingly depressing. I knew that going into it (ex: the title
itself). But come on, there could have been some humor added about taking care
of your elderly parents; not just the burden and guilt of having to do so.
There were a few laughs (when her mother sh%$ all over her bathroom) and a few
heartwarming moments with her dad. Most of it though was Roz complaining and
bickering about her responsibility. Who wants to read a book like that? It made
me think of what I have to look forward to in the future and the hassle I may
be on my daughter, who is also an only child. I just pray I go quickly. However,
the artwork and pictures were fantastic. So if you read, just be prepared.
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