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Monday, November 24, 2014

Very Disturbing Graphic Novel

A Friendly Game

By: Jose Pimienta

Genre:  Adult graphic novel

Pages: 200

Published: 2010

Read: November

3.5 out of 5

VERY disturbing! Two boys start out killing mice for competitive points in what was meant to be a friendly game. The competition went from mice to bigger and better creatures. I liked it because it was definitely unique from other graphic novels I have read.  I read some reviews that criticized the book because of it's gruesome disturbing plot and pictures. Excuse me , but that was the idea. They must criticize Stephen King as well. Others said there were gaps in the plot. The gaps were other sides of the story and minutiae details. Besides, I have always felt with graphic novels the readers always has to fill in some blanks because of style of book. This isn't a fantastic book, but better than the average graphic novel. Recommended to fans of gruesome, gory stories.

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